SOLD – 1973 Bally Nip-It (#3) (2 ball Multi-ball)
Here is a fun early Bally game that has come to be known as the pinball featured in Happy Days at Arnolds. It features a ball-grabbing device in the upper right playfield, called a ‘Balligator’, is activated by a ‘Gator’ button, located next to the right flipper button, to pull the ball into a special high-scoring lane. Other game attributes include: 2 ball Multi-ball game and Zipper-Flippers that open and close the gap between the flippers.
Legs were cleaned and Painted, new leg adjusters were installed. Original power cord was replaced for safety. Playfield was disassembled, cleaned, polished and waxed. All playfield plastics and metal were washed and polished. Light bulbs were replaced with new. All playfield posts were replaced with new, flippers and bumpers were rebuilt above and below the playfield. New rubber bands were installed.
Stainless steel backglass lift tray was cleaned. Lock down receiver was removed, cleaned and painted. Lock down bar and siderail assembly was cleaned.
All games come with manual, wiring schematics and copy of the original sales flyer.