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CUSTOMER REPAIR – 1992 Bally Addams Family (#1) 3 ball Multi-ball

Game was in great shape but needed lots of repairs. CPU board was full of corrosion and needed to be replaced. Game would reboot when both flippers were pressed together so driver board needed to be rebuilt caps and bridges. Several burned female and male Molex connectors needed to be replaced. Bookcase base was broken and needed to be replaced as well as one of the bookcase optics. Game was mostly LED’d but still had some incandescent bulbs that needed to be updated. All five pop bumpers and four flippers were worn so they needed to be rebuilt. Pop bumper LED’s were upgraded to EVO light rings and look amazing. Playfield was dirty so it was cleaned and polished. Upper left GI lights were not working caused by a bad Triac on the driver board. Main clear plastic ramp was removed, cleaned, then flamed. Left front leg brace in cabinet had bad threads so it was replaced. Owner wanted upgrade decals on the Thing Box and bookcase added. All switches, lights and flash lamps were all checked and adjusted and game now works 100%.